Thursday 17 April 2014

How perfect is Lana Del Rey???

Hey guys! So I was just trying to revise in my bedroom when a Lana Del Rey song started to play on my computer, I went on it to watch the video and I literally thought about how beautiful she really is!! 
It's not the first time I've thought about her because I used to have this mini obsession with her ages ago when she had Ride out for the first time with that video. 
She literally is so perfect, seriously! 
Her voice is so nice and different and how grunge/vintage style is what I'm into so much. I only I looked like her then everything would be okay.. :(

I mean, the best of it is that she isn't the skinniest of people like some girls are so skinny that it makes us other girls feel so fat and depressed because boys always go for the skinnier people. Whereas Lana isn't stick thin and she doesn't have to be - she already looks beautiful and how curves just top it all off!

She has this style where it's unique compared to other singers like Rihanna and Beyonce but it's not that different. She really reminds me of my female idol of all time - Marilyn Monroe. 

I think that's why I really like her and her style because that how she is.

Am I the only one who thinks this?! 

Fangirl moment: she has a new song out too!!! West Coast !!!! YAY!!!


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