Monday 25 March 2013

SO, here goes....

So this is my very first blog I've ever done so it might be shocking. Basically this page is about my problems with boys, all boys. I mean I could blog about anything but this one boy keeps getting in my mind; it's really annoying me and I have no control over it. I must'nt be like the only girl with this problem am I?

So lets begin with who I am, I'm not tall but I'm not small. I have dark browny-red hair which long and wavy, my natural hair colour is blonde which means I'm quiet slow and dumb at times. I have the bestest mates anyone could have and I love every single one of them. We're all not the perfect type of girls- we socially drink and do other things which later we might regret but hey as the swagger dicks say 'YOLO'! I love music and can listen to it all day if I could, artists like Justin Bieber, Jack Bugg and Rihanna I just love to listen to before I go bed.

Right I've explained myself sort of in like five or six lines and now I'm going to talk about my problem with the boys.  I truly beileve every single girl falls for the baddest of boys who honestly are utter wankers with more dick in their personilty than in their pants and the lads who would treat their girl like a princess every day, noone ever notices until it's too late. It's really stupid but it's so true. My big problem with it all is that I really really really like this one boy in my class, it isn't just one of them little crushs that last one day and the two people don't even talk to each other, this is far from it! I have been proper mates with this lad for over a year now, this sounds such a short period of time but I've known him for four years but never really talked like mates untill we sat together in nearly every lesson in year nine. I never felt like I liked him more than a mates untill the start of year ten. I could talk to him all day if I could. We sit near and next to each other for every lesson we have together which is properly one of the reasons why I've properly fallen for. We joke, assault and fight with each other, we tell each other gossip. I haven't got his number but I really don't need it tbh. Everyone's said to me and him that we really do sort each other and even his mates have texted me about it before.
One big problem is that he hangs round with the main lads in our year and I hang round with the second popular table. The popular girls are really nice to me and I have close friends in there but some don't like me for some reason and I think thats one reason why we never can be as close. One girl in the popular table I think really likes him and they text each other loads. I've actually asked him if he likes her and he said no way. I just smiled and winked at him as joke and we just laughed it off.
I really like him but I guess he likes that other girl now. Think I should just move on I suppose and just stay being mates with him. I sounds right tbh.

Hope you all liked my first page and please comment. I'll do more but about different subjects not just about boys and how love really needs to suck my dick! - joking I haven't got a dick :)
Thanks xxx

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