Tuesday 18 June 2013

Justin Biebe Is too PERFECT ...

So hey, haven't wrote in like a long long time as I've had a lot of crap go on in my life, gcse (big big tests), boys who turned into utter dicks and just general problems every girls been through. Anyway this page on my blog is going to be about the utter sex god whos name is Justin Bieber!!!
I know I could find a much more sexier picture of him  but damn he looks so glice in this (see what I did there -snl)! I never liked him earlier this year like until around feburary when my beautiful best friend started getting me back in love with the biebs. I loved ghim in this earlier years until around the time when he went out with selena. I don't mean I didn't like her but I started to get into different types of music instead. Anyways Im like obessed with Justin now as I cant stoip thinking bout him. Everyone in school now knows I truly love him. LOL! The big problem is that Justin is like just perfect,
his dreamy brown eyes
his soft lips
his perfectly styled and non styled hair
his snow white teeth
his bushy brown eye brows
his cut nails (I hate lads who have longish nails as I have short ones ew)
his slightly hairy legs (ask anyone in my year, I detest hairy legs so much)
his toned hot body
his hot bad boy tattoos
his everything ....
he is just too perfect and I basically compare every lad I know towards Justin bieber which is quite insane as no one I mean NOONE can ever get more perfect than this boy above! Does anyone else have this problem! pLEASE HELP>>>>>

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