Monday 24 June 2013

good karma???

So hey, fancy telling you lot what I try and do everyday which isn't really working lately for me :s ..

So, I don't normally listen in re lessons but I thought a few weeks ago I should, so I did and karma was the subject. I knew what it was coz we're done it before but now I totally got It all. I thought maybe I should follow karma and see what happens so I started.
I tried to do one single thing everyday which wasn't for my benefit but for someone else, something dead simple like helping someone out or ding what they asked. If I did it everyday then I would at least have something good in return as for good karma but did it??

No... it didn't , well I don't think it did. I totally gave up and left it but I believe that now bad shit going start happening to me ....  I mean if good karma did work then why hasn't it yet, do I have to do a big huge thing to get something in return or do I get karma back as nothing fucked up has happened to me personally.... actually fuck yeah I has !!!!
Not to be but to my lifelong friend, Linda. She was my child-minder all through my life as a child, she was like a mother figure to me. She loved me and I loved her with all my little heart. I mean I never got close to her again while I didn't go because I stopped going hers at 13, but ill always love her. She knew my secrets and my problems as I knew she would never judge me or tell anyone. She's meanwhile, fighting for her life in hospital, with a damaged lung and liver. She's in a coma and doesn't know that she's in hospital. I hope and pray she gets better and will wake up to continue a healthy and happy life but deep down I know she's not going to wake up... 

Karmas shit and I hope it gets better for everyone, try doing what I did and if it works for you that's good but don't get your hopes up.....
much love xxxx   

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