Thursday 18 July 2013

Best friends forever??

So hey, been a while since I've last blogged my life but I've been on two holidays since then :) they both were sooo goooddddd! One to the nice sometimes friendly Germany and the super active Centre Parcs in England (my home country).... Yeah I'm British yay me! 
Anyways my holidays are not the centre of conversation on this post it's my problem with my best friend. Me and my bestie who shall not be named but ill use a code name like shity, if you know me and her, you'll get the pun. Well going back on my one of many problems, me and shity aren't as close as we were but we went on holiday to centre parcs. It's really weird as this one girl - that's already done this before on another girl with her bestfriend on our table - is getting more closer and I know this sounds childish but its  like taking shity aways from me. Honestly no joke everyone on my table already are starting to notice  as well of me. What should I say, I mean the other day this best pal robber said she'll never do that but really... ? Should I believe her, :( I'm so confused but in a different kind of way... 
Is there any advice you guys have for me ??.?
Xoxo this pic below are these rings me and shity really want and it's meant to mean forever....

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