Sunday 21 July 2013

Ever had them days...

Have you ever had them days where you feel empty, no emotions you just feel sick and depressed. No one can put a smile on your face, not even your favourite film or person? When all you want to do is dream about happiness and all the regrets you have and how you can change them if you could; all the things you wish you had and you wish you hadn't...
Yeah I've in that certain mood today! Not only that but not even justin bieber can make me smile. All I've done today is sit around and felt like being  sick and crying untill theres no tears left. You don't know what's happened or what you've done but you feel like the whole world is hating on you and bitching beside your back... Like life is giving you a punishment for no reason. 
There's no symptoms and all you can do is dream and forget about everyone and everything. Hope that tomorrow is going to be the total opposite to today and maybe life might make you happy for once! You want to tell people how you feel and if your the only one with feeling this way but you can't be doing with even talking to someone or seeing anyone without hitting them across the face. You feel so lonely and bored, but even with people who try to talk to you, you in a way want to be alone and feel lonely! 
It's so confusing being in this type of mood but there's no way out of it, all I want to do is sleep but I can't, something is in my mind but I don't know what. I feel sick and ill, something keeps me wondering and worrying  about something but its not clear . It's so stressful and depressing.....
You sort of feel like nothing and no one cares about you or your feelings, it's wrong but so right at the same time........?

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