Tuesday 6 August 2013

Coming back from holidays!

Everyone loves holiday right? Yeah, even just the ones that you go to in the same country with your family. Their fun and different; you can relax or do exciting activities like climbing up mountains or diving into deep oceans. Holidays are what makes summer, summer! 
I went to Turkey last week where I went to my first five star hotel which just my luck, all the hot boys were either German or another language I don't know. :( (I'm learning German at school but at the moment I'm shocking, going retake both my exams next year). I've also got a totally natural tan now, from the boiling hot sun and got some new purple dre beats, a Hollister top to add to my collection, a lakers jersey which I've fallen in love with and a pair of nike air Maxs! Yay me!! 
But the biggest problem about holidays isn't the security checks at airports but the important gossip you haven't heard or all the posts that your missed on Facebook and Instagram. All through my holiday  I've had to wait till the end of seven long days to find out if justin biebers new song is out yet but luckily, it isn't be because  I didn't want to miss that! And when you turn your phone on for the first time after you arrive in your country, all the messages from Facebook, whatsapp, bbm and texts come through and you have to go through them all! It takes forever but they're all full of gossip and story's from the last week. I think that's the problem with being aboard, with no Internet or even just a tiny bit where it's so slow there's no point, and missing out on everything. I've missed two parties while I went including one of my best friends who invited the boy I like!:( but yay, what party's better than new clothes and a gorgeous tan! Woop woop yay! 

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