Wednesday 7 August 2013


So I was basically minding my own business on Facebook as you do when I came across this new app that's been out for a while (I think) and its called Whisper. I decided to download it for free -Yay - and see what all the gossip was about..
Its not hard to work out that its where you upload pictures and on it is something that is secret and either people can 'heart' it, reply to it or message you privately which tbh is pretty weird.... Anyways I thought ill start so I have and for my first day, its gone pretty well expect from this weird man - I think - whos asked for my facebook name and told me that you'll take me to 'orgasmland' which as far as I know doesn't exist (well I hope not, or that would be fll of predos like him/her).
All I can say is go and get the app, its cool and your basically letting out all your worries and secrets, but you could get abuse off it still, try it like I did!
P.s. I love blogging and the people who read my posts, it means so much!

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