Sunday 1 September 2013

wanting to move to america....

I live in the midlands in UK, I live in a place where there's nothing, nowhere to get a good job and hardly anything to do in my free time from school. This summer holidays, me and my friends had to go out of where we live so we could do fun things with everyone. I honestly hate where I live and I'm been thinking about if I could move where I would go..

Then I thought America is my dream location to live in, there's so many places to go there and its so big!! I would love to live in California where there's nice weather, gorgeous houses and places where I could go to have a good time! I would to go and live there; I've dreamt about moving there but the problem is my mum or dad would have to get a job over there and we would all have to get a green card so we could move. Sometimes I would just love to be American so I wouldn't have to go through it all. The Uk's alright if you live in a place where's there's place to have fun and easily get a job there too.

But if I did move, I know that I probably wouldn't miss anyone expect for my family and best friend, I wouldn't miss my other friends as much and I know that if my mum said that we could move to America, I wouldn't think twice about saying yes!!!

does anyone here want to move to somewhere else if they could???



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