Wednesday 9 October 2013

Justin bieber's new song hits number one!!!

So im so happy right now, I've need waiting for like ages and ages for Justin bieber's new song - heartbreaker to come out on iTunes and when I found out on instagram that it was going come out on Sunday midnight, I freaked. All us beliebers have been waiting for forever and everyone posted pictures and posters around towns and Facebook to promote it. We needed it to get to number one and bat one direction's record!!!!
When it came out, I listened to it like non stop - seriously I became obsessed with it !!! The problem is that people are hating it and slacking it because it's not upbeat and 'boring', I mean I know its not going to be played in clubs at night but its a love song about being heartbroken by a heartbreaker (hint the name ..) so yeah its meant to be slow - its meaningful so shut up! The best thing about the whole thing is that every Monday now, Justin will add a new (better) song for ten weeks - no wonder he took so long in making us wait! I reckon the next song will be that roller-coaster one he was playing in that video yesterday! Teases us ...
I want to know what you guys think of it and if you like it as much as I do (which is a lot, trust me).. so comment!
Belieber till I die,, wooop!!

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